Friday, August 10, 2012

fiber optics TURNKEY installation ALEXANDER graham bell
Harnessing Light to Move Information Faster:
Alexander Graham Bell would be proud

It started with Alexander Graham Bell  in the 1880s, who first experimented with the use of light to carry sound. To him, fiber optics we have surely have been thought of as science fiction. Today installing fiber optics cable is a very real way CFOs can save millions a year on data transfer costs.

Fiber optics is the fastest, clearest and most secure way to transmit information.  It dramatically reduces long distance telephone costs, increases the speed of the Internet, improves the clarity of voice and television image transmissions and increases the security of network computer systems.  All of this is accomplished by harnessing light, into cables.  It still sounds like science fiction, right?  Not so.

We use fiber optics every day, from
cloud computing, telephone and data
transmission & storage. But owning
your own fiber network is what can
save millions.
Government agencies, school systems and medium to large corporations all find that information via computer and telephone is much more cost effective, using their own fiber optic networks, than any other available option.  Even Google is creating a “fiberhood”, which is their experimental lab in Kansas City, KS.  They are creating the ability to interact with the Internet at 100 times the current speed.  This experiment with fiber networks is showing that we can use light/fiber optics, to experience a cheaper, higher quality, more secure and very much faster flow of information.

The fiber optic network can be installed in any location and made to connect remote branches with one another and with corporate offices.  For far less cost overall, than other options available today,  it can provide a sharing of pertinent information via any organization’s  fiber optic Internet  at a very high level of security.  This fact alone makes industries such as Health Care, insurance companies and others affected by privacy requirements prime candidates for the fiber optic application.

On the Internet, one will find several companies who specialize in the installation of fiber optic cable. The up-front cost of laying the cable and connecting telephone and computer systems to it is an investment to be sure.  However, the payoff starts from that point onward  in dramatically reduced costs for phone, web and cable access.  Aside from initial set up costs, it seems that fiber optic networks offer zero down-side. 
We've come a long way from experimenting with light! Fiber optics offer numerous technological and cost saving advantages. Contact Lattice Communications ( or call 319-845-6001 for more information about available fiber, turn-key fiber construction and network design and installation.

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